

The workout that makes a splash. Take part in our weekly aqua aerobics classes and watch the stress wash away throughout this low-impact workout. Perfect for those with joint issues and muscular ailments.

Norths Fitness has a stellar group of Aqua instructors who deliver unique, full body workouts designed to get your body moving with light resistance.

Find your aqua class in the Group Fitness Timetable.


For the young at heart!

Pulses started off as part of the Cardiac Rehab program at Royal North Shore Hospital for people with a cardiac diagnosis or recent heart surgery but very quickly expanded to not only those with heart disease, but those who are encouraged to focus on their health .

Our Pulses classes are conducted by expert instructors and  focus on technique and correct movement patterns.

The aim of Pulses is to improve one’s exercise capacity, the ability to deal with stress, boost their confidence and self-esteem in an environment that is welcoming and safe. Classes consist of a warm-up and gym work incorporating resistance training, balance, coordination, functional movement and improving aerobic capacity and endurance.